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Submission Guidelines  │ 回列表頁

This journal follows the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition. Please use Microsoft Word 98 or newer for the document processing of the manuscript. For English manuscripts, please use Times New Roman, 12-point, and single-row spacing for manuscripts. Please leave 2.5 cm margins on all of the manuscripts and arrange the whole text transversely on A4 paper. English manuscripts are limited to a maximum of 10,000 words (including the whole essay, abstract in both Chinese and English, figures, tables, notes, bibliography, appendix(es), etc.), except any specially invited contribution. English abstract (without subsection) must not exceed 300 words. It shall include a title (bold, 20-point, centered), and keywords (no more than five) that are arranged in alphabetical order. A Chinese abstract is also required for English manuscripts. It shall include the title (bold, 20-point, centered), abstract (without subsection, no more than 500 words), and keywords (words and order shall correspond with the English keywords). An abstract in English of the English manuscript shall be in front of the one in Chinese.




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